
Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation in Higher Education

ISBN: 978-1-78756-005-5, eISBN: 978-1-78756-002-4

Publication date: 12 November 2018

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McGlynn, C. and McDaid, S. (2018), "Index", Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation in Higher Education (Great Debates in Higher Education), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 191-202.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019 Catherine McGlynn and Shaun McDaid


Abdullah, Bilal
, 60

Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk
, 60, 62

Abedi, Salman
, 145

Adebolajo, Michael
, 3, 94

Adebowale, Michael
, 3

Adorno, Theodor W.
, 45

, 14, 18, 42

Ahmed, Kafeel
, 60

Ajegbo Report
, 25

, 14

Al-Muhajiroun (AM)
, 58

, 2, 3, 14, 16, 18–20, 32, 60, 61, 63, 65

Angry Brigade
, 48

Ann Arbor
, 43

Anti-abortion politics
, 15

Armstrong, Geoffrey
, 52

al-Assad, Bashar
, 2

Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO, UK)
, 3, 30

Aum Shrinkiyo
, 13

Awan, Mohammed
, 3

al-Awlaki, Anwar
, 60–62

Azzam, Abdullah
, 61

Baader, Andreas
, 46

al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr
, 2

al-Banna, Hassan
, 55

Bates, Lord
, 66–68

Belfast City Centre
, 15

Begg, Moazzam
, 57

, 2

Bin Laden, Osama
, 14, 16, 18

Blears, Hazel
, 69

Bloody Friday
, 15

, 42, 56–57

Bosnian war
, 56

British Medical Association
, 99

British National Party (BNP)
, 28

Browne Report of 2010
, 77

‘Bunch of guys’ theory
, 21

Bush, George W.
, 18

Business-as-usual approach
, 109

Cameron, David
, 34


student radicalism
, 46–47, 72

Cantle Report
, 25

Carlile of Berriew, Lord
, 30

Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC)
, 62

CHANNEL strategy
, 27, 30, 31, 37, 82–83

, 87, 88, 90

Vulnerability Assessment Framework
, 35

Charlie Hebdo attacks
, 75

Chilling effect
, 4, 9, 73, 150

Choudary, Anjem
, 58

Choudhry, Roshonara
, 60–62, 72

Christian Identity Movement
, 14

Citizenship Survey of England and Wales 2010
, 34–35

City University Islamic Society
, 62

Civil liberties
, 30–31

Classroom etiquette of controversial topics
, 116–121

Cold War

era, approach to terrorism
, 18

US foreign policy
, 71

, 1, 45

, 46, 72

Communist Party
, 44

Community cohesion
, 34, 147

Community integration
, 147

Compangnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS)
, 44

, 84–87, 106

, 77

and Liberal Democrats, PREVENT under coalition between
, 30–37

CONTEST (counter-terrorism) strategy
, 2, 6, 24, 28, 145–147, 154

See also Counter-terrorism

Controversial topics

classroom etiquette of
, 116–121

teaching and learning
, 112–113

, 31

Counter-extremism and Safeguarding Bill
, 148

Countering radicalisation to violence (CRV)
, 7

Countering violent extremism (CVE)
, 7

, 2, 4, 5, 11, 17–18, 19, 24, 28, 29, 31, 38, 99, 106, 146, 148, 149, 153, 154

as clumsy and potentially counter-productive
, 127–134

, 112

in university classroom
, 111–113, 115, 116, 121, 141–144

See also Radicalisation

, 3, 12, 17, 19, 22, 31, 42

effectiveness of
, 148–156

recommendations for
, 156–158

university students’
, 59–65

See also CONTEST (counter-terrorism) strategy; Terrorism

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act of 2015 (CTSA)
, 1, 34, 42, 66, 69, 72, 75, 81, 109, 113, 149

Cox, Jo
, 146

Culture wars
, 117

Dearing Report of 1997
, 77

de Gaulle, President
, 44

Department for Communities
, 34

Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
, 26

Doherty, Kieran
, 52

Dutschke, Rudi
, 45

, 55

Emwazi, Mohammed (aka Jihadi John)
, 3, 59

English Defence League (EDL)
, 58

Ensslin, Gudrun
, 46

, 28

Equality Act of 2010
, 81, 86

, 14

student radicalism
, 41

European Commission
, 4

European Union
, 19

Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA)
, 5, 16

Extreme right-wing terrorism
, 146


, 31

countering violent
, 7

, 104–105

, 23, 54, 103

, 82, 109

, 1, 34, 35, 109, 121, 124, 148

, 35–37, 67, 100, 104, 137

Farooq, Mohammed Umar
, 64–65, 70, 142

, 11, 14–16, 28, 33, 90, 101, 136, 138, 146, 154

, 91

Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS)
, 54, 55

Forster, Anthony
, 78, 86

Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution
, 18

, 71

student radicalism
, 43, 44

Frankfurt School
, 45

Freedom of expression
, 9–10

Freedom of Information
, 79, 80

Fundamental British Values
, 33, 104, 105, 132

Germany (West – FRG)
, 15, 71

student radicalism
, 44–46

Glasgow airport attacks of 2007
, 59, 60

Glees, Anthony
, 145

Good Friday Agreement of 1998
, 16

Governance of higher education, radicalisation and
, 75–110

academic debate about Prevent Duty in universities
, 82–84

, 84–87

, 87–91

research procedure and methodology
, 79–82

, 105–109

, 92–105

Graham, Edgar
, 53

Great Britain. See United Kingdom (UK)

, 21, 22

, 123

Guantanamo Bay
, 57

Habermas, Jürgen
, 45

, 16, 91

Henry Jackson Society
, 62

Higher Education Commission for Pakistan
, 7–8

Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
, 78, 79, 81, 94, 105–107

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 1, 5–7, 34, 47–48, 54, 62, 76–79, 87, 88, 93, 99, 100, 102, 105, 108, 109, 150–152, 156–158

Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT)
, 42, 55–58

Hoffman, Bruce
, 15

Home Affairs Select Committee
, 76

Horkheimer, Max
, 45

House of Commons Committee
, 30

Human Rights Act
, 81

Hunger strikes
, 52–53

Imperial College London
, 104–105

, 8

Information Technology
, 1

, 21

, 28

Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)
, 6, 115

, 2

, 2

Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)
, 52

Irish Republican Army (IRA)
, 5, 15, 16, 49, 52, 136, 142, 149

, 51

, 15, 51

Irish War of Independence
, 12

, 131

Islamic State (IS)
, 2, 11, 75–76, 130

Inspire magazine
, 61

, 13, 25, 62, 154

Islamist extremism
, 23, 54, 103

Islamist Hamas
, 16

Islamist student activism, origins of
, 54–59

, 55

Javid, Sajid
, 146, 147

, 2, 3

, 56

, 21

JIMAS (Association to Revive the way of the Messenger)
, 57, 72

Johnson, Jo
, 78

Johnston, Kyle
, 92–93

Joint Committee on Human Rights
, 106

Khan, Sara
, 142

Kings College London
, 89, 110

Kings College London Student Union (KCLSU)
, 89

Ku Klux Klan
, 16

Laqueur, Walter
, 15

, 57

Leaderless resistance
, 15

Learning of controversial topics
, 112–113

Leeds University Union (LUU)
, 88

Left Bank
, 44

Legal duty
, 1

Les événements de mai 1968
, 44

Liberal Democrats

and Conservatives, PREVENT under coalition between
, 30–37

London School of Economics (LSE)
, 84, 85

Lone wolves
, 15

Luton Council
, 131

Macdonald, Lord
, 67

Madrid bombing of 2004
, 11, 19

‘The Magnificent 19’
, 58

Mansell, Robin
, 84

, 71

Marxist–Leninist ideology
, 17

al-Masri, Abu Hamza
, 58–59

May, Theresa
, 30

Maze, HMP
, 52

McDermott, Lord
, 53

McVeigh, Timothy
, 14

Means-based understandings of radicalisation
, 121–127

Metropolitan Police
, 50

Middle-East and North Africa
, 2

Miller, David
, 145

Mohammed, Omar Bakri
, 56–58

Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
, 55

Muslim Students Society (MSS)
, 55

Nadal, Louise
, 94–95

National Offender Management Service (NOMS)
, 35–36

National Socialist Underground
, 15

National Union of Students (NUS) Students not Suspects Campaign
, 89

National Union of Students (NUS)
, 57

Netherlands, The
, 2

New Labour
, 77

PREVENT strategy under
, 24–30

New terrorism, age of
, 12–18

New York Police Department (NYPD)
, 3

9/11 attack
, 11, 18, 19, 42

Non-violent extremism
, 82, 109

North America

student radicalism
, 41

Northern Ireland
, 9, 16

Bloody Friday
, 15

hunger strikes
, 52–53

Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA)
, 50

Northern Ireland related terrorism (NIRT)
, 6

Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
, 50

student radicalism
, 47–54, 71

role of education in the conflict
, 41

Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)
, 49

, 8, 48

Office for Students (OfS)
, 78

, 33, 105, 138

O’Loan, Baroness
, 67

O’Neill, Terence
, 50, 51

Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)

disorganisation and factionalism within
, 15–16

, 87–91

, 18

People’s Democracy (PD)
, 50

Political radicalism
, 9

Political violence
, 41, 126

, 56

, 48

, 19

PREPARE strategy
, 2

Prevent Consultation Group
, 88

Prevent Duty
, 1–6, 8–10, 34, 35, 37, 38, 42, 53–54, 62, 65, 73, 76, 79–81, 145, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 157

, 87, 89

as safeguarding
, 134–140

and student vulnerability
, 66–71

in universities, academic debate about
, 82–84

university classroom
, 111–116, 127, 128

PREVENT strategy
, 2–4, 12, 22, 38, 62, 65, 66, 69, 75, 85, 110, 118, 141

under coalition between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats
, 30–37

under New Labour (2003–2010)
, 24–30

Prevent Duty. See Counter-Terrorism and Security Act of 2015 (CTSA)

Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) training
, 100

PROTECT strategy
, 2

, 56

PURSUE strategy
, 2

Quilliam Foundation
, 61

, 14

, 1, 2, 4, 5

, 2, 4, 5, 11, 17–18, 19, 24, 28, 29, 31, 38, 99, 106, 111, 112, 146, 148, 149, 153, 154

countering violent extremism
, 7

, 20–24

debate and policy
, 11–39

, 97

genesis of
, 18–20

and governance of higher education
, 75–110

models of
, 12, 22, 37

of 1960s generation
, 42–47

stages of
, 21, 24

in university classroom
, 111–144

Radicalisation on British University Campuses: A Case Study
, 61–62

Rammell, Bill
, 78

Red Army Faction (RAF)
, 46

Relevant Higher Education Bodies (RHEB)
, 79

Rigby, Fusilier Lee
, 94, 156

Risk assessment
, 36

Robbins Report of 1963
, 47, 77

Roehampton Student Union (RSU)
, 88–89

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
, 46, 47

Royal Holloway University of London
, 102

Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
, 50

Rudolph, Eric
, 14

Rushdie, Salman

Satanic Verses
, 56

Russell Group
, 114

, 2

Sabir, Rizwaan
, 63, 64, 70

Safe Campus Communities, Universities UK
, 93–94

, 5, 7, 10, 64, 69, 70, 79, 80, 82–84, 90, 92–102, 104, 109, 110, 112, 116, 134–140, 143, 144, 148, 151–153, 155, 157

, 56, 57

Sanderson, Paula
, 108

Sands, Bobby
, 52

Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie)
, 56

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
, 108

Securitization of education
, 113

, 21

, 21

7/7 attack
, 24, 25, 59

Shah of Persia (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi)
, 45

Shia Islam
, 16

Social exclusion
, 26

Social inequality
, 26

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP)
, 58

Sozialistischer Deutsche Studentenbund (SDS)
, 45

Sri Lanka
, 16

Student radicalism
, 41–73

from civil rights to civil war
, 47–54

, 59–65

Islamist student activism, origins of
, 54–59

1960s generation
, 42–47

Prevent Duty and student vulnerability
, 66–71

Students’ Unions
, 88–89

, 14

Symbionese Liberation Army
, 43

Syrian Civil War
, 2–3, 66, 75

, 18

Tamil Tigers
, 16

Teaching Excellence Framework
, 78

Teaching of controversial topics
, 112–113

, 38, 113

, 3, 12, 22, 31, 42, 59–65, 148–158

new terrorism, age of
, 12–18

, 13

Terrorism Act 2000
, 154

Terrorism Studies: A Reader
, 65

Thatcher, Margaret
, 52

Thematic analysis
, 80–81

Thornton, Rod
, 64

Thought police
, 4

Tick box managerialism
, 112, 134–140

Timms, Stephen
, 59–61

Trimble, David
, 51

Trojan Horse Affair
, 33

UK Islamic Mission (UKIM)
, 54–55

Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)
, 49

Ulster Polytechnic
, 53

Ulster Vanguard movement
, 51

Underpants bomber
, 60

United Kingdom (UK)

Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
, 3, 30

CONTEST strategy
, 2, 6, 24, 28, 145–147, 154

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act of 2015 (CTSA)
, 1

Department of Employment
, 48

Federal Government
, 14

Madrid bombing of 2004
, 11, 19, 20

PREPARE strategy
, 2

PREVENT strategy
, 2, 12, 22, 24–38, 62, 65, 66, 69, 72, 75, 85, 141, 145, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 157

PROTECT strategy
, 2

PURSUE strategy
, 2

7/7 attack
, 24, 25, 59

United States (USA)
, 41

culture wars in
, 117

foreign policy during Cold War
, 71

9/11 attack
, 11, 18, 19, 42

student radicalism
, 44

, 41–73

academic debate about Prevent Duty in
, 82–84

Anglia Ruskin University
, 107

Birmingham City University
, 86, 109

Canterbury Christ Church University
, 92, 109

City University
, 62

, 59–65

De Montfort University
, 85

Hertfordshire University
, 80

Hull University
, 80

Imperial College London
, 104–105

Islamist student activism, origins of
, 54–59

John Moores University
, 102–103, 105

Kent State University
, 43

Lancaster University
, 80, 87

Leeds Beckett University
, 96

Leeds Trinity University
, 80

London South Bank University
, 107

Loughborough University
, 88, 152

Newcastle University
, 85

Newman University Birmingham
, 99

The Open University
, 47, 52

Prevent Duty and student vulnerability
, 66–71

Queen Mary University
, 107–108

Queen’s University
, 50, 53

radicalisation from civil rights to civil war
, 47–54

radicalisation of 1960s generation
, 42–47

Royal Academy of Music
, 100

Royal Holloway University of London
, 102

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
, 108

Solent University Southampton
, 109

Sorbonne Université, Paris (France)
, 43

St Mary’s University Twickenham
, 85

Staffordshire University
, 64–65, 97, 142

Surrey University
, 47, 106–107

University of Bath
, 85, 88, 145

University of Bradford
, 95

University of Buckingham
, 145

University of California, Berkeley (USA)
, 43

University of Derby
, 152

University of Essex
, 86

University of Exeter
, 81–82

University of Greenwich
, 94–95, 155

University of Huddersfield
, 95, 152

University of Leeds
, 88, 109

University of Leicester
, 98

University of Lisburn
, 52

University of Liverpool
, 97

University of Michigan, An Arbor (USA)
, 43

University of Middlesex
, 88

University of Nanterre
, 43

University of Nottingham
, 63–64

University of Oxford
, 109, 140

University of Plymouth
, 95

University of Reading
, 95

University of Roehampton
, 89

University of Salford
, 100, 145, 152–153

University of Sheffield
, 89

University of Sunderland
, 103

University of Sussex
, 47, 98

University of the Arts London (UAL)
, 80, 85, 103

University of the West of England
, 99

University of Westminster
, 105

Worcestershire University
, 80

Writtle University College
, 105

York St John University
, 140

Universities UK (UUK)

Safe Campus Communities
, 93–94

University and College Union (UCU)
, 109

University classroom, radicalisation in
, 111–144

classroom etiquette of controversial topics
, 116–121

counter-radicalisation, as clumsy and potentially counter-productive
, 127–134

means, values and vulnerability-based understandings of radicalisation
, 121–127

Prevent Duty, as safeguarding
, 134–140

research data and analysis procedure
, 114–116

teaching and learning controversial topics
, 112–113

tick box managerialism
, 112, 134–140

USA Rediscovering
, 14

USS Cole bombing in 2000
, 14

, 105–109

Values-based understandings of radicalisation
, 121–127

Vietnam, imperialist war in
, 42

, 21, 23

countering radicalisation to
, 7

, 41, 126

Violent extremism
, 1, 34, 35, 109, 121, 124, 148

, 5, 92–105

Vulnerability Assessment Framework
, 35

Vulnerability-based understandings of radicalisation
, 121–127

, 56

War on Terror
, 18, 19

Weather Underground
, 43

Weinberg, Julius
, 78

Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) training
, 100

World War Two
, 54

Yezza, Hicham
, 63–64, 70

, 56