About the Authors

Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West

ISBN: 978-1-78714-639-6, eISBN: 978-1-78714-638-9

Publication date: 7 November 2017


(2017), "About the Authors", Flynn, M., Li, Y. and Chiva, A. (Ed.) Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West (The Changing Context of Managing People), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 267-270. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78714-638-920171016



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited

Angela Abbott is Knowledge Exchange Associate at Newcastle University Institute for Ageing. She has recently completed an online tool for workers with eldercare responsibilities to request flexible working from their employers.

Mohd Rafee Baharudin is currently the Director of Occupational Safety and Health Management Office of Universiti Putra Malaysia. His expertise is in Risk Assessment and Industrial Hygiene.

Chris Ball is a Researcher at Newcastle University, was Chief Executive of TAEN – The Age and Employment Network from 2007 to 2015 and before that a National Officer of the Manufacturing Science and Finance union for many years. He is currently a member of the Employment Experts task group of Age – the European Older People's Platform and writes and comments regularly on age and employment issues. He has participated in several European projects at both European and UK levels on ageing, retirement and joblessness.

Alan Beazley is Advice, Policy and Research Specialist for the Employers’ Network for Equality and Inclusion. He works with HR professionals in enei membership organisations to deliver best practice on diversity and inclusion issues.

Simone Braun, MA, is Researcher at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (Institute for Social Work and Social Policy) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. She specialises in the fields of family sociology and old age and retirement.

Chad Chan is Research Project Manager at Lingnan University. His specialisms are service learning and older workers.

Anthony Chiva is Director of the Life Planning Association and researcher at Newcastle University. He has developed educational programmes on life planning for university, further education and in-house training programmes.

Joanne Crawford leads the Ergonomics and Human Factors section at the Institute of Occupational Medicine. She is interested in how we can create safe, healthy and sustainable work for our older workers.

Eleanor M. M. Davies is Principal Lecturer at Huddersfield Business School. Her research specialisms include people in organisations, older worker management and retirement management.

Alice Davis is Research Scientist in Psychology working in the Ergonomics and Human Factors section of the Research Division at the Institute of Occupational Medicine. Her research interests and experience lie in the area of occupational health psychology including work on the ageing workforce.

Matt Flynn is Professor of Human Resource Management at University of Hull and Director of the Centre for the Older Workforce. He has carried out research for the UK government, European Commission and others on age, work and retirement. He is currently leading a four country study on how social partners develop, pilot and embed workplace active ageing strategies.

Karen Hanley is a PhD student at Brighton University researching employment and retirement choices for 60 +  employees in Denmark. She is also a trainer in life planning for the Life Academy.

Dirk Hofäcker, Dr. rer.pol., is currently Professor for Methods of Quantitative Social Research at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (Institute for Social Work and Social Policy) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He specialises and has published in various topics in comparative life course sociology and welfare state research in national and international journals and monographs.

Andrew K. Jenkins is Principal Lecturer at the Huddersfield Business School, The University of Huddersfield. He has published in numerous journals and his main area of research is older hotel employees.

Hafiz T. A. Khan is Professor of Public Health at University of West London, UK. He is an Associate Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford. His research interests include the demography of ageing, health and well-being in later life with special focus on loneliness, multi-morbidity, long-term care and support provisions.

Thomas Klassen is Professor in the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Policy and Administration, at York University in Toronto, Canada. He has published widely on retirement and pensions in South Korea, and more broadly on ageing in East Asia. His current research projects are on workforce adjustments in rapidly ageing societies, particularly Japan and South Korea.

Florian Kohlbacher is the North Asia Director of The Economist Corporate Network. He has edited and co-authored books on the silver market, ageing societies and the network economy.

Yuxin Li is Associate Professor in the School of Economics and Finance at Shanghai International Studies University. She has worked on several EU and UK funded research projects related to demographic ageing and older workers’ employment in both United Kingdom and Europe context.

Halimatus Minhat is Public Health Medicine specialist and Medical Lecturer at Universiti Putra Malaysia. She has been actively involved in various researches relating to preventive medicine in the field of epidemiology, maternal and child health, adolescent health, adult's health with main interest in issues related to elderly health and ageing.

Hendrik Mollenhauer is project manager at the political foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. He has worked on EU funded research on civic engagement in the Philippines.

Heike Schröder is Lecturer in Human Resource Management in Queen’s Management School at Queen’s University Belfast. Her research interests are in Comparative Human Resource Management and Workforce Ageing in Europe and Asia.

Kate Vernon is Director of Strategy and Marketing at Community Business. She has written several pieces of research on diversity and inclusion issues including Community Business’ report on ageing in Asia.

Yihan Wang is a PhD student at the Sloan Center for Aging and Work at Boston College. Her research interests are long-term care and family caregiving in the US and China, retirement and wellbeing.

Izabela Warwas is Professor in the Department of Labour and Social Policy at the University of Lodz. She participated as a coordinator, specialist on evaluation and expert, in over 40 European and national projects including projects on active ageing, social dialogue and regional development.

Andrew Weyman Reader in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath. He has over 30 years’ experience of research in applied psychology and human factors, specialising in the psychology of risk in relation to workplace safety, health and well-being.