SIPP ACCESS , an information system for complex data: a case
study in creating a collaboratory for the social sciences
The “collaboratory” concept has recently entered the vernacular of the scientific community to reflect new modes of scientific communication, cooperation and collaboration made possible by information technology. The collaboratory represents a scientific research center “without walls” for accessing and sharing data, information, instrumentation and computational resources. The principal applications of the collaboratory concept have been in the physical and biological sciences, including space physics, oceanography and molecular biology. Discusses the attributes of the collaboratory, and applies the concept developed by computer and physical scientists to the design and operation of the SIPPACCESS prototype information system for complex data to be used through the Internet by sociologists, demographers and economists. Examines obstacles to collaboratory development for the social sciences. Concludes that four major obstacles will inhibit the development of collaboratories in the social sciences.
Robbin, A. (1995), "
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