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A case study: a local‐based social economy project

Stavros K. Parlalis (Department of Social Work, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus)

International Journal of Social Economics

ISSN: 0306-8293

Article publication date: 2 August 2011




The purpose of this paper is to describe the methodology proposed by the non‐governmental organisation (NGO) Anelixi to the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in an attempt to involve socially excluded persons in a local‐based project in Korydallos, Athens. The methods and actions employed by NGO Anelixi are explained and their effectiveness are discussed.


NGO Anelixi proposed a local‐based project, which was based on the theory of social economy, to the General Secretariat for Youth (Ministry of Labour and Social Security), under the general project title “Youth Initiatives 2010”. The current project was entitled as “Investigating the Possibilities of Employing Young Persons in the Social Economy Sector”. The specific project lasted six months (September 2010‐February 2011) and aimed to address the economic and social challenges of today, especially in Greece, which faces an economic recession. The ultimate aim of the specific project was placed on the macro‐level; it was aiming to empower young persons (18‐30 years old) in need to investigate the possibility of establishing a social enterprise (their own business) in the municipality of Korydallos.


The overall project would be successful, if the community was more sensitive and open to accept the new concept of social economy and social enterprises.


The overall value of this project is the fact that similar projects could be a first step towards youngers' motivation and empowerment in local communities, in order to prevent them from being socially excluded.



Parlalis, S.K. (2011), "A case study: a local‐based social economy project", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 38 No. 9, pp. 789-801.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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