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CONTEXT: the shared knowledge enigma

Alex Bennet (Mountain Quest Institute, Frost, West Virginia, USA)
David Bennet (Mountain Quest Institute, Frost, West Virginia, USA)


ISSN: 0305-5728

Article publication date: 17 April 2007




The purpose of this paper is to present a systems perspective of context avenues that impact the knowledge‐sharing process.


Following a brief introduction of the meaning of context, an example of face‐to‐face interaction is used to explore the term “context‐sensitive” in terms of sharing knowledge in a one‐way single exchange from a source to a perceiver. Eight different context avenues are presented, their relationship to the conscious and unconscious mind addressed, and their impact on the sharing of knowledge considered.


The authors posit that there are eight primary context avenues that potentially impact the creation of knowledge in terms of shared understanding and meaning, and that the higher the number of related patterns forwarded through content and context the greater the resonance of shared understanding. Further, that the unconscious mind plays a significant role in embedding context and creating meaning.


This paper provides a shift in perception from the transmission of information to the sharing and re‐creation of knowledge in terms of shared understanding and meaning. It also presents a new model of context avenues impacting the sharing of knowledge.



Bennet, A. and Bennet, D. (2007), "CONTEXT: the shared knowledge enigma", VINE, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp. 27-40.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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