
Edmund W. Gordon: Producing Knowledge, Pursuing Understanding

ISBN: 978-0-76230-428-8, eISBN: 978-1-84950-026-5

ISSN: 1479-358X

Publication date: 1 January 2002

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2002), "Index", Camp Yeakey, C. (Ed.) Edmund W. Gordon: Producing Knowledge, Pursuing Understanding (Advances in Education in Diverse Communities, Vol. 1), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 331-345.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Editorial Board
List of contributors
Social context of emotion in black adolescents: Impact of principles on process and products
Beyond deficits and difference psychological integrity in developmental research
Exploring African-American adolescents' home and school psychosocial contexts of career development
Race, class, and educational opportunity: Trends in the sociology of education
School readiness: Implications for day care and early childhood education for low-income children
Building capacity for health empowerment in African-American communities
Community building to achieve educational equity
Contemporary assessment in the context of culture and pedagogy: The assessor as responsible scholar
Postsecondary access and degree attainment of African Americans 1976–1996: A dream fulfilled or a dream still deferred?
Controlled choice: A new and effective desegregation method
The personal in education
Intelligence as a dimension of diversity implications for pedagogical assessment
Implications of an ecological model for directed behavior change
Contextualism, phenomenology, and methodological problems in the social sciences
Conceptualizing the African
Post-industrial economic experiences of African-American men, 1973–1993
The work of Edmund W. Gordon: Accountability, responsibility, and standards
Prophetic social scientists
Research, scholarship, and social responsibility: Social imperatives for a democratic society
Production of knowledge and pursuit of understanding