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Using Survey Data to Study Disability: Results from the National Health Survey on Disability

ISBN: 978-0-76231-007-4, eISBN: 978-1-84950-203-0

Publication date: 4 November 2003


We study disability duration and two aspects of disability timing (simultaneous vs. gradual onset; childhood vs. adulthood onset) for U.S. community-dwelling adults. The data set is the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement. Disabilities in personal care, household management, and physical tasks are analyzed. Results show that most adults with disability are older and have recent onsets. But up to a third of those whose disability started in childhood have entered middle and older ages. For most people, disabilities in a domain usually all start at the same time; gradual accumulation is less common. The mixing of simultaneous and gradual onsets, and of childhood-onset and adulthood-onset, produces great heterogeneity in the population of disabled adults. Our results give demographic support to the contemporary movement in local and state jurisdictions to combine aging services and disability services.


Verbrugge, L.M. and Yang, L.-s. (2003), "DURATION OF DISABILITY AND TIMING OF ONSET", Altman, B.M., Barnartt, S.N., Hendershot, G.E. and Larson, S.A. (Ed.) Using Survey Data to Study Disability: Results from the National Health Survey on Disability (Research in Social Science and Disability, Vol. 3), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 275-298.



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