Journal of Service Management

Issue(s) available: 84 – From Volume: 20 Issue: 1, to Volume: 35 Issue: 6


Cover of Journal of Service Management
Volume 35
  • Issue 6 2024 Open Access Issue in Progress
  • Issue 4 2024 Multi-stakeholder Engagement and Responsible Business
  • Issue 3 2024
  • Issue 2 2024 Digital Service Innovation: Ontology, context and theory
  • Issue 1 2024
Volume 34
Volume 33
  • Issue 6 2022 Open Access Issue
  • Issue 4/5 2022 Opportunities and Challenges at the Crossroads of Communication and Services
  • Issue 3 2022 Trajectories for Future Research on Branding
  • Issue 2 2022 Living and Working with (Ro)bots – The Impact of (Ro)Bots on the Service Frontline
  • Issue 1 2022
Volume 32
Volume 31
  • Issue 6 2020
  • Issue 5 2020 Service Imperative for Health, Hospitality, and Design
  • Issue 3 2020 The New Frontiers in Digital Media Services
  • Issue 2 2020 AI and Machine Learning in Service Management
  • Issue 4 2020 Emerging Fields in Service Research
  • Issue 1 2020
Volume 30
  • Issue 6 2019
  • Issue 5 2019 Moving forward and making an impact in service research: from research priorities to research methodologies
  • Issue 4 2019 Evolving service thinking: disruption and opportunities in hospitality and tourism
  • Issue 3 2019
  • Issue 2 2019
  • Issue 1 2019
Volume 29
  • Issue 5 2018 Theorizing beyond the horizon: service research in 2050
  • Issue 4 2018 Service-dominant logic, service ecosystems and institutions: bridging theory and practice
  • Issue 3 2018 Beyond the dyadic: customer engagement in increasingly networked environments
  • Issue 2 2018
  • Issue 1 2018
Volume 28
Volume 27
Volume 26
Volume 25
  • Issue 5 2014 Complex Engineering Service Systems
  • Issue 4 2014 The International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS)
  • Issue 3 2014
  • Issue 2 2014 Back where we belong – Marketing as the organization’s core strategy
  • Issue 1 2014
Volume 24
  • Issue 5 2013 Innovative Service Perspectives
  • Issue 4 2013
  • Issue 3 2013 Connections, Communities, and Collaboration Service Sustainability in the Digital Age
  • Issue 2 2013
  • Issue 1 2013
Volume 23
  • Issue 5 2012
  • Issue 4 2012 The Naples Forum on Service What's Ahead inService
  • Issue 3 2012 QUIS 12 Expanding the Definition of Service Excellence and Quality in Service
  • Issue 2 2012
  • Issue 1 2012
Volume 22
  • Issue 5 2011 Incorporating papers from The International Research Seminar in Service Management The La Londe Conference 2010
  • Issue 4 2011 Sixth SERVSIG International Research Conference 2010, Porto, PortugalSpecial Issue
  • Issue 3 2011
  • Issue 2 2011
  • Issue 1 2011
Volume 21
Volume 20



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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Jay Kandampully