Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal: Volume 11 Issue 4


Table of contents

Exploring CSR’s influence on employees’ attitudes and behaviours in higher education

Carla Mascarenhas, Luis Mendes, Carla Marques, Anderson Galvão

Despite the recognised importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in higher education institutions (HEIs), research concerning CSR’s influence on employees’ attitudes and…


Dissecting the empirical-normative divide in business ethics: The contribution of systems theory

Steffen Roth, Vladislav Valentinov, Lars Clausen

This paper aims to probe the limits of the empirical-normative divide as a conceptual framework in business ethics.

From sustainability constraints to innovation: Enhancing innovation by simultaneously attending to sustainability and commercial imperatives

Goran Calic, Anton Shevchenko, Maryam Ghasemaghaei, Nick Bontis, Zeynep Ozmen Tokcan

The purpose of this paper is to connect the literatures on sustainability, innovation and paradox to suggest that sustainability constraints – simultaneously addressing commercial…

Who can realize the “spot value” of corporate social responsibility?: Evidence from Chinese investors’ profiles

Shiyu Wang, Yan Zhang, Guanzhen Wang, Zhibin Chen

This paper answers, in the Chinese stock market, who can realize the “spot value” of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Integrating financial, social and environmental accounting

Jeremy Andrew Nicholls

The purpose of this paper is to propose a public policy solution to updating mainstream financial accounting from its nineteenth century roots and make it more relevant and…


Does renewable energy promote green economic growth in OECD countries?

Dilvin Taşkın, Gülin Vardar, Berna Okan

The development of green economy is of academic and policy importance to governments and policymakers worldwide. In the light of the necessity of renewable energy to sustain green…


Modeling social sustainability: analysis of hospitality e-distributors

Duygu Turker, Gokce Ozdemir

The purpose of this study is to propose a definition and model of social sustainability within the ambit of systems theory and to test it on hospitality e-distributors. The study…

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  • Prof Carol Adams