Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 13 Issue 2


An International Journal

Table of contents


A READER in America has written a most encouraging letter taking us to task for having last November written an “apology” for the delays experienced in the arrival of copies of…

The Junkers V.‐P. Airscrew: Notes on the General Principles and Construction of an Unconventional German Design

IN a recent issue of AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING there appeared a very brief description, and some illustrations of the Junkers airscrew which aroused considerable interest. Since then…

The Shape of Piston‐Ring Grooves: The Importance of the Radius of Curvature at the Base of the Grooves in Resisting High Stresses

E. Mickel

THE tendency towards increased engine performance combined with the lowest possible constructional weight has resulted in the stresses on pistons being carried to the extreme…

Torsion in Rectangular Channels: A Means of Quick Determination of Maximum Stresses in Open Sections Subjected to End Restraint

H.J.M. Kittelsen

This article is intended, firstly, as a means to a quick determination of the maximum stresses in such a channel, and secondly, to give the reader a clearer insight into the…

Gust Load Factor Principles: An American Report Embodying a Simplified Explanation for Aeroplane Pilots

Francis R. Shanley

A SIMPLIFIED presentation of basic gust load factor theories, designed to supply information requested frequently by pilots, has been prepared by the Aircraft Airworthiness…

Research Reports and Memoranda

In Report No. 103 of the Aeronautical Research Institute, will be found the results of experiments in the electrical method of measuring small vibrations with the aid of a triode…

Pressings in Aeroplane Construction

E.J. Ritter†

A GREAT deal of development has already been made in the technique of drawing iron, steel, brass, copper and aluminium, whereas the drawing of light alloys—particularly those…

British Standard Specifications

Copies of the following Specifications may be obtained, at the prices indicated, from the British Standards Institution, 28 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I.

Spot Welding Development at the Arado Works: An account of Four Years' Experimentation

Ing. E. Reichel

THE first electrical welding tests by the Arado firm were carried out at Warnemiinde in the year 1933 with a Rudolf welding machine. These tests were suggested by the welding of…


Junkers' Experiments in Spot Welding

Ing. W. Borstel

IN metal aeroplane construction the advantages of spot welding compared with riveting are very marked: production costs are reduced, components are lighter, and the skin can bo…

U.S. Patent Specifications

In combination, a driving shaft subject to variable torques about its axis, a propeller mounted on said shaft and subject to variable reaction torques about the axis of said shaft…

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  • Prof Phil Webb