Journal of Social Marketing: Volume 13 Issue 3


Table of contents

An approach to targeted promotion of HPV vaccination based on parental preferences for social media content

Silvia Sommariva, Jason Beckstead, Mahmooda Khaliq, Ellen Daley, Dinorah Martinez Tyson

Effectiveness of message tactics in social marketing projects often varies across groups of individuals, which suggests the importance of tailoring communication approaches to…

Increasing employer willingness to hire people with disability: the perspective of disability employment service providers

Rola Mahasneh, Melanie Randle, Rob Gordon, Jennifer Algie, Sara Dolnicar

This study aims to investigate which factors are associated with the willingness of employers to hire people with disability from the perspective of disability employment service…


Using social marketing strategies to develop and pretest PrEP education materials for transgender women

Sarah Bauerle Bass, Patrick J.A. Kelly, Jesse Brajuha, Luis Gutierrez-Mock, Paul D'Avanzo, Samantha Herrera, Jae Sevelius

The purpose of this study was to develop pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) education materials that directly address the needs of trans women. PrEP medication is an effective HIV…


Co-creating and evaluating social marketing programs: a living lab approach

Pamela Saleme, Timo Dietrich, Bo Pang, Joy Parkinson

This paper presents a methodological analysis of the co-creation and evaluation of “Biobot Academy” social marketing program to promote socio-emotional skills and prosocial…

The role of social marketing in promoting quality of life through the lens of sustainable consumption

Lorna Christie, Marike Venter De Villiers

This paper presents a unique conceptual model that promotes behaviour change with the goal of creating a more sustainable conscious society. It aims to provide social marketers…


Hell for consumer addiction?: thematic analysis of COVID-19 narratives in a gambling support forum

Luke Brownlow, En Li

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in public health measures which unintentionally made unfortunate individual-, community- and system-level impacts. People experiencing gambling harm…

One needs to be reminded and motivated: mediating role of digital nudging for food waste reduction

Derek Ong, Shirley Chiu, Elizabeth Andrews, Geetha Nadarajan

The global food waste and food scarcity paradox is steadfastly increasing. This study aims to examine the effects of digital nudging as forms of positive and negative…

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  • Dr Ann-Marie Kennedy