Journal of Historical Research in Marketing: Volume 4 Issue 4


Table of contents - Special Issue: Marketing Sports Through the Ages

Guest Editors: J. Andrew Ross, Stephen Hardy

Toward a history of sport branding

Stephen Hardy, Brian Norman, Sarah Sceery

The purpose of this paper is to review and explore topics that might constitute a history of branding in sport and might also contribute to understanding today's sport branding…


Spectator consumption practices at the Roman games

Yuko Minowa, Terrence H. Witkowski

This study seeks to further understanding of spectator consumption practices by applying modern consumer theory in a much different historical context: the gladiator games during…


Six‐day racing entrepreneurs and the emergence of the twentieth century arena sportscape, 1891‐1912

Ari de Wilde

The purpose of this paper is to explore twentieth century sportscapes and their role in the development of urban arenas as places of sport.

“Winter sports under a summer sun”: the marketing of Sun Valley ski resort in the 1930s

Dylan J. Esson

The purpose of this paper is to describe the growth of the early ski market and the marketing strategies that the Union Pacific Railroad took in promoting Sun Valley ski resort…

Selling punches: free markets and professional wrestling in the UK, 1986‐1993

Benjamin Litherland

The purpose of this paper is to outline the historical and political broadcasting conditions that hindered the success of British professional wrestling and allowed the rise to…

A preview of the Mark H. McCormack Collection

Wayne Wilson

The purpose of this paper is to review the acquisition of the Mark H. McCormack Collection by the University of Massachusetts, McCormack's role in marketing history and the…

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  • Dr Richard Hawkins