Corporate Governance: Volume 5 Issue 2


The international journal of business in society

Table of contents

Stakeholder theory in perspective

Yvon Pesqueux, Salma Damak‐Ayadi

Those who use stakeholder theory as a reference are both underlining the correlation between facts and a certain conceptualization thereof, and trying to make the necessary shift…


A critique of stake‐holder theory: management science or a sophisticated ideology of control?

Elena P. Antonacopoulou, Jérôme Méric

In this article a critique of stakeholder theory is presented. The analysis highlights several concerns regarding the scientific rigor of this body of knowledge revealing the…


Some philosophical issues in corporate governance: the role of property in stakeholder theory

Maria Bonnafous‐Boucher

Focuses on what can be referred to as the “fundamental philosophical issues of corporate governance”. Outlines the interdependence of various kinds of governance. Demonstrates…


Human rights as a normative basis for stakeholder legitimacy

Bert van de Ven

This article discusses the appeal of human rights as a normative basis for stakeholder claims in the context of international business. This appeal to human rights has proven to…


Towards the relational corporation: from managing stakeholder relationships to building stakeholder relationships (waiting for Copernicus)

Josep M. Lozano

The starting point of this paper is the traditional view of stakeholders (encompassing the binomial affecting – affected by the company), and identifies the analytical, managerial…


In search of new organizational values: the irruption of beauty in an entrepreneurial creation

Hervé Colas

The general aim of this paper is to shift the interest in two particular stakeholders, the entrepreneur and the company itself, from a vision based on a company perceived as a…


Changing managers’ values towards a broader stakeholder orientation

Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli

Challenged by recent incidents as they occurred at Enron, WorldCom, Disney and Xerox, management has to rethink its values and to consider the expectations of their stakeholders…


Stakeholder theory, society and social cohesion

François Lépineux

Stakeholder theory is a “weak” theory, which suffers from a number of flaws. This article is based on the intuition that many of these problems are linked together, and that they…


State as a stakeholder

Sibel Yamak, Ömür Süer

In this paper, we want to focus on the interactions of shareholder theory, stakeholder theory, institutional theory and agency theory in terms of corporate social responsibility…


The stakeholders’ perspective on the international business school

Albert Stähli

This article describes the contribution of the international business school to anchor ethical behavior maxims in the heads of the economic decision makers. Successful management…


Towards a stakeholder responsible approach: the constructive role of reporting

Stefano Zambon, Adele Del Bello

It is commonly recognized that nowadays social and environmental aspects, and more in general stakeholder‐linked issues, are becoming important corporate value drivers. It is also…


Organizations which make a difference: a philosophical argument for the “people focused organization”

Ed Weymes

Traditional management theory is grounded in the concept of bureaucracy which provides a platform for managers to control behavior. When behavior is controlled, personal freedom…


The measurement of responsible governance and management of NPOs in New Zealand: an evaluation tool for NPOs, donors and government. “If you have no money – you have no mission”

J. Mueller, D. Williams, A. Higgins, M. Tou

In New Zealand, as in many other developed countries around the world, news is made not just by those many organizations with superb performance records, but also by the few whose…


Lead, respond, partner or ignore: the role of business schools on corporate responsibility

Louise Gardiner, Peter Lacy

A number of recent trends are influencing business schools towards better teaching and accounting for the role of “business in society” (BiS). The following article looks at…

Cover of Corporate Governance



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  • Professor Gabriel Eweje