Quality in Ageing and Older Adults: Volume 16 Issue 1

Promoting excellence in services through research, policy and practice


Table of contents - Special Issue: Older people as voters, citizens and changemakers

Guest Editors: Stephen Burke

The coalition government and ageing policy: a critique

David Sinclair

– The purpose of this paper is to review the coalition's policy on ageing.

Standing up for today's and tomorrow's pensioners

Dot Gibson

The National Pensioners’ Convention aims to challenge the case for current government policies to raise the age of retirement from paid work and to diversify routes to and amounts…


Never had it so good? Boom time for older people

Angus Hanton, Liz Emerson

Increasing longevity, while welcome, has far-reaching implications for the social contract between generations. These include eye-watering costs for health and social care…


Work, pensions and poverty: a better deal under the next government

Claire Turner

The purpose of this paper is to explore how the next government could develop a better deal in relation to work, pensions and poverty. The paper argues that given the changing…


Health and social care for older people: progress, problems and priorities

Richard Humphries

The purpose of this paper is to describe the principal challenges facing the health and care system in England arising from an ageing population, assess the track record of the…


Housing: the unacknowledged key to our ageing challenge?

Clare Tickell, Gillian Connor

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the strategic role of housing for older people and how it can address some of the key challenges facing politicians. The paper aims to…


What are the issues affecting grandparents in Britain today?

Sam Smethers

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the role that grandparents play in family life in Britain today with a particular focus on demographic change and the…

A world of social interaction for all

Laura Ferguson

– The purpose of this paper is to highlight the actions needed and organisations to make a difference to the problem of loneliness in old age.

An age of opportunity for the voluntary sector

Lynne Berry

The purpose of this paper is to put the issue of ageing on the agenda of the English voluntary sector; to support the development of strategies about resourcing, supporting…


Addressing isolation: the importance of integration and the role of institutions

Jonathan Yates

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of integration in tackling isolation in later life, propose institutions as a key factor in forming intergenerational…


Grey Pride: priorities for a minister for older people

Jane Ashcroft

– The purpose of this paper is to argue the case for there to be a UK Minister for Older People supported by the work of a Commissioner for Older People.

How older people will vote in the 2015 general election: a review of existing polling evidence

Raphael Malek

– The issues of concern to older people and likely to shape their voting behaviour need to be understood and appreciated. The paper aims to discuss these issues.

The road to 2020

Mervyn Kohler

– The purpose of this paper is to explore how the political parties will approach older people in the run-up to the General Election.

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  • Prof Fiona Poland