The Journal of Adult Protection: Volume 9 Issue 3

Evidence-based practice in relation to safeguarding adults


Table of contents

People with learning disabilities ‐ an ageing population

Noelle Blackman

Just like everyone else, people with learning disabilities (PWLD) are living longer. This means that there are new considerations to be made by professionals and services working…

Partnership means protection? Perceptions of the effectiveness of multi‐agency working and the regulatory framework within adult protection in England and Wales

Neil Perkins, Bridget Penhale, David Reid, Lisa Pinkney, Shereen Hussein, Jill Manthorpe

This article examines the effectiveness of the multi‐agency approach in adult protection and draws on findings from research that examined the effectiveness of both partnership…


Elder abuse research based on the analysis of Russian folk works as cross‐cultural communication

Pavel Puchkov, Said Damzaev

Non‐Russian readers of Russian fairy tales may find the stories disturbing and harsh, full of cruel and violent acts such as murders, robberies and other illegal actions. In…

The Mental Capacity Act, the Office of the Public Guardian and the new Court of Protectio

Yeslin Gearty

Monday 1 October sees the implementation of the majority of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (the Act). Parts of the Act came into operation in April 2007, namely the creation of a…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Bridget Penhale
  • Dr Margaret Flynn