Leadership in Health Services: Volume 19 Issue 1


Table of contents

An analysis of international health care logistics: The benefits and implications of implementing just‐in‐time systems in the health care industry

P. Gary Jarrett

The primary purpose of this study is to undertake a diagnostic investigation of the international health care logistical environment and determine whether regulatory policies or…


The barriers to patient‐driven treatment in mental health: Why patients may choose to follow their own path

Paul Greenall

The paper aims to explore the barriers that currently exist to patient‐driven treatment within the field of mental health care and reform.


Applying Taguchi methods to health care

Tolga Taner, Jiju Antony

The aim of this article is to show how Taguchi methods can be applied to health care.




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2006

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited