Health Education: Volume 96 Issue 5


Table of contents

Sex education for parents

Virginia Blakey, Jane Frankland

Finds research shows that while parents are potentially an important source of information and support to their children on sexual issues, in practice many parents feel that they…


Health inequalities: what’s going on in youth?

Patrick West, Helen Sweeting

Notes how the 1980 Black Report on the extent and causes of health inequalities in the UK made little mention of how these issues affect youth or young people. Questions the…


Alcohol on the agenda

David Carpenter

Describes a pilot project conducted in Coventry on peer education and alcohol within schools and youth clubs. Looks at the rationale behind the project, the project work and some…


Who can I turn to? Confidentiality and young people

Thelma Dines

Examines why young people choose to speak to their friends about sex and personal relationships rather than to people who they think would give them more accurate information…


A “discourse of the pinks and blues”: some arguments for the visibility of gender in the PSHE curriculum

Shirley Prendergast

Observes that the existence, experience and implications of gender are often ignored in sex education in school, and argues that the given sex and learned gender of young people…

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  • Dr Gurpinder Lalli