Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents

The paradigm paradox

John Seddon

Voices concern about businesses wasting vast amounts of time andresources on paradigm programmes (to make people see a problem in adifferent light). Discusses problems in…


Total quality people – a fifth conversation

Jon Choppin

Continues the discussion of total quality and TQM through theimaginary dialogue between the chief executive of Muddle ManufacturingLtd and a well‐known protagonist of common sense.


Customer satisfaction – lip service or management tool?

Scott M. Broetzmann, John Kemp, Mathieu Rossano, Jay Marwaha

Customer satisfaction managers tend to be more concerned withsimply measuring customer satisfaction than actually using the resultinginformation to build a business case for the…


Quality involves everyone: how Paul Revere discovered “quality has value”

Patrick Townsend

In 1983 the Paul Revere insurance company had fallen from itsposition as market leader, an occurrence which acted as catalyst for the“quality‐has‐value” programme. Describes the…


Measuring and monitoring service quality at Malaysia Airlines

Abdullah Mat Zaid

Malaysia Airlines’ vision is to become an “airline ofexcellence”. Describes the various methods in place for feedback– how service quality is measured and monitored – in orderto…


Winning the European quality award – a Xerox perspective

Franz Sherer

Describes the history of the Xerox Corporation, from the 1950s tothe present day, explaining how it won the European Quality Award andoutlining recommendations for those companies…


Applying quality management in manufacturing at BASF

Albrecht Müller

Outlines the quality management process employed by BASF inmanufacturing its 8,000 products (from chemical feedstocks to clothing).The process involves integrating the efforts of…


The quality mirror: reflecting on improvement

Marion M. Steeples

Discusses firms’ inability to achieve quality via numerousprocesses, owing to a lack of practical advice. Outlines areas in whichresults are important; states that the system must…


Training – the key to business success:how to make the effort worthwhile

Training is identified as an essential prerequisite for businesssuccess. Success requires a new level of mastery of the skills thatdirectly support business objectives. Discusses…


High tech v. high touch: a case study of TQM implementation in higher education

Elizabeth Anderson

Presents the results of a case study to evaluate the effectivenessof a TQM programme in higher education. The academic advising office atthe University of Houston College of…




Online date, start – end:

1991 – 2014

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Emerald Publishing Limited