International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 18 Issue 1


Table of contents

The role of arousal congruency in influencing consumers' satisfaction evaluations and in‐store behaviors

Jochen Wirtz, Anna S. Mattila, Rachel L.P. Tan

It is widely accepted that consumers enter into a service consumption experience with a set of expectations, including affective expectations. This research aims to investigate…


Complainer characteristics when exit is closed

Bård Tronvoll

The paper seeks to investigate whether the demographic and socio‐economic characteristics of complainers in a monopolistic market are different from those in a competitive market.


An empirical analysis of productivity growth in retail services: evidence from Spain

Ricardo Sellers‐Rubio, Francisco Mas‐Ruiz

This paper seeks to estimate total productivity change in retailing firms and to decompose it into efficiency change and technical change (TC) (i.e. the consequence of innovation…


Managing employee empowerment in luxury hotels in Europe

Antonis Klidas, Peter T. van den Berg, Celeste P.M. Wilderom

This paper aims to test four potential predictors of the behavior of empowered employees during the delivery of service to customers.


Exploring consumer experience of social power during service consumption

Kalyani Menon, Harvir S. Bansal

This research seeks to investigate consumer experiences of social power during service consumption. Specifically, this research examines the causes and consequences (cognition…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited