International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 11 Issue 2


Table of contents

The past, present and future of customer access centers

Jon Anton

Customers want better access to the companies from which they buy products and services. Reviews how companies have responded to this demand for easy access. Looks at the past…


Operational determinants of caller satisfaction in the call center

Richard A. Feinberg, Ik‐Suk Kim, Leigh Hokama, Ko de Ruyter, Cherie Keen

There has been, and will be, a spectacular growth in the number of call centers on both sides of the Atlantic. So far, however, empirical evidence is lacking as to the operational…


Customer expectation dimensions of voice‐to‐voice service encounters: a scale‐development study

Arjan Burgers, Ko de Ruyter, Cherie Keen, Sandra Streukens

Listening to the voice of the customer has been embraced in marketing theory and practice for a long time. However, the wide scale implementation of call centers has only recently…


Customer satisfaction and call centers: an Australian study

Lynne Bennington, James Cummane, Paul Conn

Call centers are growing at unprecedented rates, yet relatively little is known about customer satisfaction with this method of service delivery. Therefore, a review of the…


The sacrificial HR strategy in call centers

Catriona M. Wallace, Geoff Eagleson, Robert Waldersee

Balancing the competing objectives of efficiency and service typically requires management compromises to be made. However, some call centers have found that a compromise is not…


Call centre capacity management

Alan Betts, Maureen Meadows, Paul Walley

Call centres often experience large fluctuations in demand over relatively short periods of time. However, most centres also need to maintain short response times to the demand…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited