Journal of Organizational Change Management: Volume 7 Issue 5


Table of contents

The Sting of Organization: Command, Reciprocity and Change Management

Stephen Linstead, Andrew Chan

Examines the structure of command in organizations and the use of“fear” to bring people into line during periods of rapid change. Detailsproblems experienced by organizations who…


The Paradoxical Gravity of Planned Organizational Change

Heather Höpfl

Addresses the notion of “phoria” in organizational change. Uses the deviceof the myth of the Erl König to explore the appropriation of emotion inorganizations and considers the…


Reacting to What?

John Sinclair

Considers the cultural background to ways in which individuals react tochange within organizations and draws out the dangers inherent inevangelizing change messages. An overview…


Organizational Change: Relationship between Reactions, Behaviour and Organizational Performance

Dianne S. Lewis

Describes one aspect of a longitudinal case study conducted in anAustralian college of advanced education undergoing transformation to auniversity and explores the relationship…


From a “Grand Story” to Multiple Narratives? Studying an Organizational Change Project

Iiris Aaltio‐Marjosola

The study has origins in paradoxical foundations: although the trends inthe theory of organizational change emphasize organizational uniqueness,in a case study it was found that…

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  • Prof Slawomir Magala