Journal of Organizational Change Management: Volume 7 Issue 2


Table of contents

Quality Management and the Process of Change

Jeanne Almaraz

The implementation of quality programmes often leads to major changewithin an organization. However, the nature and causes of such changeare not yet understood. There is need for…


Quality, Strategy and Structural Configuration

Abraham B. Shani, Martin Rogberg

Quality programmes have become an increasingly popular arena fororganizational and managerial practice. Some attribute this growingfocus to the notion that quality programmes are…


Designing Performance Management Systems for Total Quality Implementation

David A. Waldman

Based on recently proposed principles of total quality management (TQM),takes a system‐oriented perspective with regard to the design ofperformance management systems in…


Self‐managed Work Teams: TQM Technology at the Employee Level

Carol Sexton

Provides theoretical background for examining the development ofself‐managed work teams as a total quality management (TQM) interventionat the employee level. Briefly summarizes…


The Impact of a TQM Intervention on Workplace Attitudes in a Health‐care Organization

Steven M. Sommer, Deryl E. Merritt

Total quality management has gained increasing popularity as a method tointroduce transformational change in an organization′s managerialphilosophy and operational effectiveness…


Beyond TQM Programmes

Bert Spector, Michael Beer

The failure rate of TQM interventions exceeds 75 per cent. Contends thatit is missteps in the implementation of TQM – and other associated changeefforts such as process…

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  • Prof Slawomir Magala