Property Management: Volume 12 Issue 3


Table of contents

The Review of Local Government: The Effects on the Management of Property Assets

Peter Byrne

Considers the possible overall effects of the current review of localgovernment in Britain on the management of the property assets of localauthorities. Draws attention to the…


Strategic Property Management: How Can Local Authorities Develop a Property Strategy?

Virginia Gibson

Property has been increasingly recognized as a key resource which, ifwell managed, contributes to an organization′s success. For localauthorities, property is the environment in…


Asset Registers and Asset Rents for Local Authorities: A Viable Property Management Tool

Nick French

Considers the management of the valuation exercise required of localauthorities to enable them to include asset valuations in their balancesheets after 1994. Examines the problems…


Property Management and Compulsory Competitive Tendering

Tom Putt

The extension of compulsory, competitive tendering to professionalservices, against a background of local government reform is generatingan atmosphere of organizational and…


Cambridge Water v. Eastern Counties Leather: The Polluter′s Charter

Rosalind Lee

Discusses and details the 1994 case of Cambridge Water Co. v. EasternCountries Leather plc and comments on the decision of the House ofLords, which found in favour of the polluter…


Network Technology: Electronic Mail, Discussion Lists and Anonymous FTP for Property Management

John Kirkwood

Recent developments in communications technology, such as fibre opticsand satellites, have led to the development of facilities likeelectronic mail, discussion lists and anonymous…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Graham Squires