Marketing Intelligence & Planning: Volume 8 Issue 7


Table of contents

Strategic Planning: An Overview of Product Portfolio Models

R.A. Proctor, P.J. Kitchen

In any type of business it is almost inevitable that some productsor services will be more financially attractive to market than others.Ways are introduced in which strategic…


Maximising Financial Services: Sophisticated Database Marketing

John Taylor, John Oake

As the financial market experiences the consequences of nearingretail saturation together with an increasingly demanding consumer,financial concerns need to understand and react…

Customer Service

Malcolm Peel

The importance of customer service to organisations of all kinds,whether in the public or private sector, is now acknowledged. But thedefinition is frequently too narrow. Good…


Marketing Planning: A Seven‐stage Process

Roger W. Brooksbank

A concise review is presented of the many books and articles whichhave been written on the subject of marketing planning. The aim is toprovide the marketing practitioner with a…


British Images of Themselves vs Others

Malene Djursaa

The article presents, through research findings of British imagesof themselves and others, Britain′s competitive image position, inrelation to EC partners. Results show a…

Auditing the Factors Influencing Brand Success

Leslie de Chernatony

A framework is presented to audit the five factors influencingbrand success. The factors reviewed include the manufacturer,distributor, consumer, competitor and the wider…

Cover of Marketing Intelligence & Planning



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  • Dr Babu John-Mariadoss