Facilities: Volume 13 Issue 9/10


Table of contents

Protecting buildings from explosions

Charles Crawford

Describes the ways in which commercial buildings can be protectedfrom explosive devices, and a variety of modern methods which are costeffective and successful. Analyses major…


Risk and crisis management in facilities: emerging paradigms in assessing critical incidents

Laurence Barton, Donald Hardigree

Provides an analysis of why facility managers need to have riskmanagement in the business world today. Details how the risk manager′sduties differ from those of the crisis manager…


Out of sight, out of mind: the limitations of traditional information systems planning

Ethné Swartz, Dominic Elliott, Brahim Herbane

Offers a crisis management critique of the information systems andcontingency planning literature and puts forward recommendations fordisaster recovery. The internal and hardware…


Critical elements of a disaster recovery and business/service continuity plan

Pat Moore

Outlines ideas for a well‐designed crisis plan applicable to manycorporations, institutions or government agencies. In the light ofnumerous community‐wide disasters, as well as…


Evaluating contingency planning software: a checklist for recovery planners

Kathleen M. Aris

Provides a checklist for business recovery planning software tohelp buyers choose the correct equipment in which to invest. Using thisinformation will ideally eliminate purchase…


Disaster plan simulates plane crash into high‐rise building

William H. Johnson, Warren R. Matthews

A reprint of a classic article chronicles the simulated incident ofa plane crashing into the John Hancock Tower in Boston, Massachusetts.Recounts how the plan was developed and…


Risk of outsourcing – applying risk management techniques to staffing methods

Jane Marie Downey

Advances the idea that many companies are trying not to hirepermanent employees, but instead are hiring temporary workers to reducecosts. By having temporary workers, however, new…


Facility “wellness”: health facilities management

Frank Moy

Hospitals and health‐care facilities are among the most complex,costly, and challenging buildings to design, construct and manage. Tobecome a health facilities manager of a…


Work area recovery planning: the key to corporate survival

Keith Tilley

Describes the need for business continuity planning and explainsthe strategic importance of protecting critical business functions fromdisruption. Outlines the evolution of the…

Cover of Facilities



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Joseph Lai
  • Dr Sarel Lavy