International Journal of Operations & Production Management: Volume 27 Issue 11


Table of contents - Special Issue: Build‐to‐Order Supply Chain Management

Guest Editors: Angappa Gunasekaran

Creating the customer‐responsive supply chain: a reconciliation of concepts

Andreas Reichhart, Matthias Holweg

While the concept of supply chain responsiveness (SCR) has received considerable attention in the operations management literature, mostly under the auspices of concepts such as…


Mix flexibility and volume flexibility in a build‐to‐order environment: Synergies and trade‐offs

Fabrizio Salvador, Manus Rungtusanatham, Cipriano Forza, Alessio Trentin

This paper aims to investigate the factors enabling or hindering the simultaneous pursuit of volume flexibility and mix flexibility within a supply chain through the lens of a…


Modularization and the impact on supply relationships

Mickey Howard, Brian Squire

This paper aims to examine the role of product architecture in supply chain design. Specifically, it seeks to resolve confusion over the impact of modularisation on supplier…


A strategic model for agile virtual enterprise partner selection

Joseph Sarkis, Srinivas Talluri, A. Gunasekaran

This paper aims to provide a practical model usable by organizations to help form agile virtual enterprises. The model helps to integrate a variety of factors, tangible and…


Information technology and performance management for build‐to‐order supply chains

Amir M. Sharif, Zahir Irani, Don Lloyd

This paper aims to address the growth and importance of build‐to‐order (BTO) supply chains, which allow consumers and supply chain participants to select, configure, purchase and…



This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/14635770710819263. When citing the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Tobias Schoenherr
  • Prof. Constantin Blome
  • Robert D. Klassen