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Citation Gecko technology for research and entrepreneurship

Varun Gupta (Multidisciplinary Research Centre for Innovations in SMEs (MrciS), Gisma University of Applied Sciences GmbH, Potsdam, Germany. He is also a Professor of Digital Innovation at GISMA University of Applied Sciences GmbH, Potsdam, Germany. He had been Visiting Scholar at University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada and a researcher at Department of Economics and Business Administration, University of Alcala, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain)

Library Hi Tech News

ISSN: 0741-9058

Article publication date: 9 May 2023




This study aims to investigate how Citation Gecko technology might help libraries provide better research support services. The paper explains specifically how Citation Gecko can help libraries provide more precise and thorough references, save time and enable methodical literature reviews and scoping studies amid the constantly evolving nature of research domains. The paper also considers how businesses and libraries can gain from implementing the technology.


The paper’s conceptual study of the function of librarians in assisting researchers – particularly in the setting of exhaustive literature reviews and scoping studies – forms the foundation of the piece. The authors talk about the difficulties in guaranteeing the authenticity and comprehensiveness of the literature review process and the significance of adopting tools like Citation Gecko to help with this process. The possible adoption of Citation Gecko in libraries is also forecasted using the technological adoption model paradigm.


Libraries that use Citation Gecko technology provide better research support services by providing accurate and comprehensive references, saving time and assisting systematic literature surveys and scoping studies. The tool is simple to use and does not require professional training due to its user-friendly interface and ability to produce references fast. Using Citation Gecko technology can enhance libraries’ capacities to support researchers, faculty and students in their research projects by making a significant contribution to systematic surveys and referencing efforts.


This study adds to the continuing discussion about how libraries may use technology to improve the services they provide to users who need research support. It had never been looked into how citation Gecko might help libraries with their reference and systematic review study offerings.



Funding: This research is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Research and Innovation Program (Project ID: 101061516, Project Acronym: LibrarIN). The paper was also co-funded by Winning Scientific Management, Portugal (Project ID: WINBUSMOD001). This publication solely reflects the views of the authors, and the funding agency and universities cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information contained herein.

Institutional review board statement: The conducted study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of GISMA University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany (IRB Protocol number: 02/2023).

Informed consent statement: Since there were no human subjects in this study, informed consent was not necessary.

Conflicts of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Gupta, V. (2023), "Citation Gecko technology for research and entrepreneurship", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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