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Green Management Execution at Malaysian Federal Seaports: Challenges and Opportunities

aINTI International University, Malaysia
bUniversiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices

ISBN: 978-1-80455-679-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-678-8

Publication date: 14 December 2023


Seaports are significant nodal points in any supply chain network. Accordingly, the need to consistently upgrade and further develop processes would bode well for the maritime industry and nations competitiveness. There has been a change in the pattern by which green issues have become significant themes to the global sea transportation players. Developed nations have been the leaders in pursuing green options for future development. This leads to developing nations pursuing the green agenda to stay competitive. As such, Malaysia's desire of being the preferred sea nodal point in Southeast Asia lies in its abilities of seeking innovative processes and business opportunities through green principles. This chapter will focus on:

  • • Introducing Malaysia's seaport industry.

  • • A review of green management at seaports.

  • • The current state of green management implementation at Malaysia's federal ports.

  • • Challenges and opportunities for Malaysia's federal ports in pursuing green management.



Beleya, P. and Veerappan, G. (2023), "Green Management Execution at Malaysian Federal Seaports: Challenges and Opportunities", Raza, S.A., Tunio, M.N., Ali, M. and Puah, C.H. (Ed.) Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 91-105.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Prashanth Beleya and Geetha Veerappan. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited