
Einav Argaman (The Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center, Israel)

A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions

ISBN: 978-1-80382-230-3, eISBN: 978-1-80382-229-7

Publication date: 24 October 2022


Argaman, E. (2022), "Prelims", A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Einav Argaman

Half Title Page

A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions

Title page

A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions



The Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center, Israel

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2022

Copyright © 2022 Einav Argaman.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-80382-230-3 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-80382-229-7 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-80382-231-0 (Epub)

Dedication Page


My family

With love


List of Figures and Tables ix
About the Author xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1: The Underlying Research 3
1.2: The Organization of the Book 4
Chapter 2: On Hierarchy 9
2.1: Etymology and Early versus Current Considerations of the Term 9
2.2: Related Terms 11
2.3: Types of Hierarchy 22
Chapter 3: Institutions and Educational Institutions 29
3.1: Institutions versus Organizations 29
3.2: The Institution and Everyday Life 30
3.3: Sorting Perspectives and Types of Institutions 31
3.4: Educational Institutions 39
Chapter 4: Vertical Hierarchies in Educational Institutions 45
4.1: An Illustrative Example 53
Chapter 5: Horizontal Hierarchies: Manifestation in Talk and Embodied Practices 57
5.1: An Illustrative Example: Horizontality with Whom? 65
Chapter 6: The Disclosure of Hierarchies in Institutional Architecture 69
6.1: Definitions of Key Terms: Architecture and Space 69
6.2: Architectural Displays of Vertical Hierarchy 71
6.3: Horizontality in Institutional Architectural Designs 75
6.4: The Architecture of Educational Institutions 78
6.5: An Alternative Classroom Architecture 86
Chapter 7: The Educational Institution and Others: The Construction of Hierarchy with External Agents 91
7.1: The Other, Otherness and Othering 92
7.2: Territorial Issues 96
7.3: Center-Periphery Relations 104
7.4: An Illustrative Example 111
Chapter 8: Summary and Discussion 119
8.1: The Theories Covered in this Book 119
8.2: Being Pragmatic 124
8.3: What is Left to Be Said? 127
8.4: Do Educational Institutions Have Hierarchies of their Own? 130
References 133
Index 159

List of Figures and Tables


Fig. 1 An Example of a Linguistic Tree 14
Fig. 2 Differences Between Terminal Nodes; Reproduced with Permission of The Licensor Through PLSclear 16
Fig. 3 The Intra-Institutional Structure of Schools 50
Fig. 4 A Self-Hold Body Cross Position 66
Fig. 5 Traditional Classroom Architecture 80
Fig. 6 Interpersonal Differences Using the Same Furniture and Occupying a Single Space 87
Fig. 7 Egalitarian Classroom Architectural Design 88


Table 1 Perspectives within Neoinstitutionalism 63
Table 2 Hierarchies in Role Conflict 67

About the Author

Dr. Einav Argaman studies institutional discourse, focusing on talk, text, embodied practices, spatial arrangements, and architecture as mediating different aspects of educational institutions (e.g., hierarchical and collegial relationships; disagreement; center-periphery dynamics; positioning; individualism; institutional roles). She has published in leading journals, including Discourse Studies, Journal of Pragmatics, Semiotica, and Applied Linguistics. A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions is her first book. She is a Senior Lecturer, Head of the Language Education in a Multicultural Society M.Ed. program at The Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center, and a Board Member of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society.


This book is not creation ex nihilo. People and institutions have made it possible.

The book is based on research conducted in educational institutions which were gracious enough to open their doors and grant me the opportunity to interview their staff, attend their meetings, and study their institutional texts. I am greatly indebted to them.

I have benefited from the help extended to me by Prof. Muhammad Amara and Prof. Lia Laor who provided me with constructive advice regarding the publication process which lay ahead. I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my commissioning editor, Kathy Mathers, and to Emerald Publishing for believing in me and agreeing to publish my book. Emerald’s book project editors (Brindha Thirunavukkarasu and Abinaya Chinnasamy), the content development editor (Lydia Cutmore), the project manager (Chitra Raja), my book cover designer (Mike Hill), and Emerald’s production team deserve special words of appreciation. I also owe gratitude to my language editor, Miriam Talisman.

Permission to reprint Figure 2 (granted by Wiley and The Licensor through PLSclear), and Figures 5 and 7 (which were originally produced by Arch. Zahi Asa), is gratefully acknowledged.

The Research, Evaluation and Development Authority at The Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center generously supported the completion of the book with a grant.

Finally, to my loving, caring, and supportive family. Your encouragement is priceless. My heartfelt thanks.